Honda CRX

Front Floor Pan
It was time to tackle the front floor pan. Last week we cut out the driver’s seat rear anchors from the donor car. This week my goal was to remove the rusted anchors, refinish the donor anchors, and install them. I…
Second Coat of Primer
We needed to block sand the first coat of primer with 320 grit and apply a second coat for that ultimate silky smooth finish. Unfortunately, black paint shows every imperfection on the body. It needed to be perfect. Every bump…

Prime Time
This weekend’s goal was to get the car in primer. We sanded both doors, the hatch, and the fenders by hand and with an orbital sander. There were quite a few dents in the door, so multiple passes with 80…
Driver Side Quarter Panel
It was time to tackle the other side of the car. The passenger quarter panel installation went smoothly. The only major difference with the driver side panel was the fuel door indentation. The new factory quarter panel already had the…